1st International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Social Sciences (CySSS)May 30, 2022; Nagasaki, Japan (Hybrid) co-located with ACM ASIACCS 2022 |
Program | Keynote Speaker | #Call for Papers | Important Dates | Submission Guidelines | Program Committee | Contact Information
All times are conference times in Japan. Check out the proceedings here9:15am to 9:30am - Welcome Remarks
Dr. Loretta Stalans, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology; Psychology, Loyola University Chicago
Title: Social and Emotional Context of Fraud Scams in Cyberspace
Abstract: Most research on internet-frauds has focused on victims’ cognitive and personality vulnerabilities and ignored that scammers often have been victims of financial cyber-crimes. These victim-offenders expressed retaliation as a motive to offend and highlight the overlooked emotions and social learning contributing to cyber-scams. A broader understanding of the motives, emotions and knowledge of victim-offenders, solely offenders and solely victims might improve awareness campaigns and security training. In this talk, I use a life-course perspective of social learning to examine media and social sources, prior victimization, and knowledge and attitudes about relationships contribute to committing internet frauds. Data are drawn from two large self-report surveys of victimization and perpetration of a wide range of internet frauds. Deviant friends and family members, mentors, online discussions, and contacts in the dark web increase support for retaliation and provide praise for perpetrating internet-fraud. Those who attended victim support groups and have knowledge of dating app etiquette have more accurate knowledge about suspicious communications on dating apps. Beyond low self-control, psychopathy and committing frauds in the real world, those with higher rates of victimization more often perpetrated cyber-frauds. The life-course perspective suggests a broader view of the emotional and social context of offending might improve the content and focus of awareness campaigns and security training. These campaigns and training often ignore how scammers learn manipulative tactics from friends, family, media, and online sources. This focus also might enhance AI tools to detect and intercept fraudulent messages on dating and social media sites.
Bio: Loretta Stalans is a Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology with a dual appointment in Social Psychology at Loyola University Chicago. She received her PhD in Social Psychology from University of Illinois Chicago in 1990 with an area of expertise in the Psychology and Law field. She has published extensively in the areas of how people form attitudes particularly about sanctions, justice and deviant behaviors, and how people learn from others to support deviant behaviors, attitudes or beliefs. Her current research focuses on how the internet and social media facilitate the perpetration of and victimization from internet-related crimes, primarily phishing, identity theft, fraud, and sex trafficking. She recently edited a special issue on “How the Internet Facilitates Deviance” for Victims and Offenders (2016) and has published in many respected top-level journals such as Law and Human Behavior, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Deviant Behavior, Law and Society Review, Crime & Delinquency as well as co-authoring two books on public opinion about sanctions and crimes (Westview Press, 1997; Oxford University Press, 2003). Her work has been funded by the National Institute of Justice, Ford Foundation, and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.
Each paper should clearly indicate how it is connected to cybersecurity and to the social/behavioral sciences.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Cyber Physical System Security
Cybersecurity Behaviors
Cybersecurity Education
Digital Privacy
Internet of Things Security
Medical Security
Network Security
Online Social Capital
Personality and Use of Technology
Social Media Use and Cybersecurity
Taking Risks with Technology
Technology and Relationships
Web Privacy
Paper submission deadline: January 12 January 24, 2022; 11:59 PM (AoE,
Acceptance notification: February 12 February 21, 2022; 11:59 PM (AoE, UTC-12)
Camera ready due: March 7April 3, 2022; 11:59 PM (AoE, UTC-12)
Workshop date: May 30, 2022
Each paper should be at most 6 pages in ACM format, excluding bibliography and appendices. Submissions must be anonymous (double-blind review), and authors should refer to their previous work in the third-person. Submissions must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference with proceedings. Papers will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as part of the ACM digital library. Each paper will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. One author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper for it to be included in the proceedings.
Papers should be formatted using the ACM format. This format is required for the camera-ready version. Please follow the main ASIACCS formatting instructions (except with page limits as described above). In particular, we recommend using the sigconf template, which can be downloaded from https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cysss2022
Eric Chan-Tin, Loyola University Chicago, USA
Shelia Kennison, Oklahoma State University, USA
Tao Chen |
Facebook, USA |
Ashley Chung Fat Yim |
Northwestern University, USA |
Scott Debb |
Norfolk State University, USA |
Yanmin Gong |
University of Texas – San Antonio, USA |
Yuanxiong Guo |
University of Texas – San Antonio, USA |
Jinoh Kim |
Texas A&M University – Commerce, USA |
John Mcalaney |
Bournemouth University, England |
David Mohaisen |
University of Central Florida, USA |
Clemens Stachl |
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland |
Loretta Stalans |
Loyola University Chicago, USA |
Stephanie Tobin |
Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Eugene Vasserman |
Kansas State University, USA |
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the program chairs.